Thursday, January 23, 2020

Two views in Berkeley, CA, at the Marina

Berkeley holds a special place in my development. I learned to sail dinghies here. I also bought a sailboat before knowing how to sail, partly because I was unhappy and wanted to shake things up. I met a lot of people outside my bubble. I think Steve fed me, Peter kept things light but got shit done, and Doughman demonstrated a windsurfer+vanLife option.

I both demonstrated massive excess (I'm on a boat!) here, as well as developed a lot of awareness (the wind doesn't lie, and boats, sails, and sheets don't lie).

It is immense beauty and wealth and just normal nature. Hint: nature doesn't really care what you think. Nature has its Todo list. Nature keeps chugging along, season after season.

So, now, I'm sitting in the GVAN, with the swing up rear hatch up. Cozy on a 55deg day in the middle of winter, staring at the sea, as a The Cure song I like says.

Here is a wide view, which gives you a look at the current van config. Quite content. As the hippie song goes, "i have everything I need..."

Goodwill to all.

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