Sunday, January 19, 2020

About me / this

This is the Semi-Retired Van Buddha blog.

  1. Semi-Retired because I haven't worked a regular job in 2 years. I used to be an unhappy college professor. Now, I do some consulting and programming work for myself. My goal was to be able to do all my work in my pajamas and never have to work because I need the paycheck. Success.
  2. Van because my primary residence is a van. Lived in 40+ states. I did own a home and homes have their plusses and minuses. #Vandwelling (which is culturally different from #vanlife) started as an experiment about what I really needed. Turns out I didn't need that much (no kids or spouse), so I keep things really simple. My van doesn't even have air conditioning, but that's okay: if it's too hot, I can go North! I'm a Nomad. Say hello, and I can let you know when I'm in your town.
  3. Buddha because I am an avid Buddhist, and this is the orientation I've chosen for the rest of my life. I've gotten a taste of what the peace that comes from a mind with calm, non-clinging, non-greedy, non-angry, and non-wishfulness. And, Buddhism is now my primary interest.  I like to point out that I haven't lived a saintly life--I've had all sorts of excesses, youthful indulgences, and minor criminality. I point this out so that you can consider the idea: it's never too late to train the mind.

This blog is primarily going to be a lifestyle blog about semi-retirement and vanning and not a Buddhist blog. (There is a separate Buddhist blog I write. Warning, it is intense, not rosy, and deeply personal. If you want something easier to digest, go read Tricycle Magazine, which is a great magazine to get a sense of Buddhism beyond the quotes at the end of yoga class.) Topics will probably include:
  • Semi-retired
    • Finances from a retirement perspective, including 72t rule
    • Nomadic Lifestyle
    • Friendships after 40.
    • Lifelong learning
    • Volunteering
    • Keeping healthy/fit
    • Fuck you money
  • Van
    • Parking and safety
    • Different types of vans
    • VanDwelling philosophies
    • Friendships
    • Sleeping
    • the basics: Food, Water, Shelter, Sanitation
    • Breakdowns
    • National Parks, BLM, National Forests
    • Internet and connectivity
    • Showers and Gyms
    • Finances from a vanning perspective.

Since the world has more content than eyeballs now, it's likely nobody will read this. That's okay. I write for me as much as for anyone.

If you want to suggest an article or ask a question, please leave a comment.

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